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The Dermatology Clinic is committed to providing you with compassionate care throughout your journey. Your skin health and well-being are our ultimate priorities, and I am dedicated to finding and tailoring the best path forward for your treatment and care.

Dr Daniela Vanousova

Meet Dr Daniela Vanousova
MD, PhD in Dermatology

Dr Daniela Vanousova, who has a PhD in Dermatology, is a registered skin specialist with the Medical Council of New Zealand.


Her extensive experience and compassionate approach make The Dermatology Clinic the premier choice for your skincare needs, ensuring you receive the highest quality of care.

"My training in Dermatovenereology took place at Bulovka University Hospital in Prague, Czech Republic. Achieving Dermatovenereology Board Certification in 2008, I continued my career as a Consultant and Lecturer. During this time, my focus expanded to include Venereology, and I became a Consultant for the HIV clinic. Notably, I played a pivotal role in detecting Lymphogranuloma venereum in the Czech Republic.


Transitioning to the role of Head of Dermatology at a private medical facility for expatriate patients in Prague, my emphasis remained on early skin cancer detection, skin cancer surgery, and general dermatology.

My extensive research background includes a postdoctoral Lyme Disease study that led to my PhD in Dermatology. Contributing to medical education, I have taught students and trainees and presented at domestic and international congresses. My research findings have been published in the Czech Republic and international journals, and I have co-authored three medical books.


In 2016, I relocated to New Zealand, initially practising in Auckland before settling in Dunedin. Pursuing advanced dermoscopy and skin cancer management training across New Zealand and Australia has allowed me to continuously expand my skills and knowledge, ensuring I provide the best possible care to my patients."

From the moment you contact our clinic, our priority is to provide you with compassionate and expert care.

As your dedicated dermatologist, I look forward to embarking on this journey with you, working hand in hand to achieve a healthier skin for you together.

Dr Daniela is a member of the New Zealand Dermatology Society, European Academy of Dermatolovenereology, Melnet and International Dermoscopy Society

The Dermatology Clinic South Island NZ
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